If you’re looking for a Professional Massage Therapist, you have come to the right place.
I am trained in a variety of modalities, with 19 years experience. I have specialized in Mobile Massage, Medical Massage, NeuroMuscular Therapy, Sciatica, Rotator Cuff, Low Back, Neck and Shoulder pain. If you have a consistant pain, ache I can help you. We will work together and create a plan, so that you can manage your pain.
I started my career in Colorado Springs, Colorado and graduated from Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy. It was ranked in the top ten schools in the nation in 2005. I graduated with 1,150 hours in Massage Therapy and Trigger Point Therapy. I am proud of all the certificate I received but, most proud of the certificate I received from the International Academy of NeuroMuscular Therapies in Saint Petersburg, Florida as a NeuroMuscular Therapist.
I have worked with chiropractors and gained valuable knowledge to helped people become functional again. I pride myself to know that I have helped someone recover from an horrific accident or injury. I have worked in a spa, but realized I have a niche to help people who are in pain. If you want to relax I can bring my skill level down to meet your needs. I am also licensed in Texas and travel to my clients when they request me. Call or send me a message if you have any questions. You don't need to live in pain and discomfort any longer. Make that appointment today.
Have a great day,
Dustie Jo